The online sales letter below is a template for writing an HEOB sales letter. Make sure to follow the detailed instructions for writing and using this sales letter at this link: HEOB_Letter_Format.doc.


1. The Marketing Mastery Program

Right now, your approach to attracting more of your ideal clients may not be working for you. You don't know what to do, where to start and how to put it all together so that the marketing of your services gets the results you want. (give more details, as necessary to give a clear understanding of the problem or challenged faced by your clients.)

You may be looking for an approach to marketing that works for you on several levels: You want the information and skills to be a more effective marketer. You want an approach to marketing that isn't based on hype and manipulation. And you want hands-on support to put your marketing into action and get results. Ultimately you want to get unstuck and into action. (This might also be in bullet-point format)

This is why I designed the Marketing Mastery Program.

2. This is what the Mastery Program accomplishes:

We work together intensively to double your business or at least increase it substantially in about a year. (Ultimate Outcome)

We do this by helping you: (Sub-outcomes)

1. Increasing the perceived value of your services through better marketing messages and communication that gets more attention and interest. 

2. Develop your programs at the higher end so that you can sell your services at a higher fee to ideal clients and make a bigger difference.

3. Getting the message out about your new services and programs to a more targeted and more receptive audience who both need and can afford what you're offering.

4. Getting response to your marketing promotions that generate ideal prospects who are qualified to purchase your services. 

5. Sell your services without hype or manipulation and get more prospects to say, “Yes” to your services and programs (and then pay you well).

You might have 3 - 5 sub-outcomes. Don't overdo it. 


3. What we do first (or Where we start)

What we do first is help you discover the heart of your business, what makes you unique and where you really excel. From there everything else falls into place naturally:

• Your verbal and written marketing messages

• Your written marketing materials and website

• Your various marketing strategies and tactics

• Your process for converting prospect into clients

(notice that these are a simpler repetition of the sub-outcomes above)


4. Why this program is special (or unique or different)

This is not a cookie-cutter program where everything is the same for everyone. The program is customized for your unique situation and needs to support you in growing your business.

This program is not for everyone. Yes, we all want to take our businesses to the next level, but this program is only for those who are committed and serious about putting in the time and energy needed to succeed.

(You can differentiate yourself in many ways, including your background, results expected, a special approach or process, etc.)

5. About the Marketing Mastery Program

The Marketing Mastery Program is a 10-month course for independent professionals such as executive coaches, leadership consultants, and other self-employed professionals.

The program starts in mid-January 2016 and completes at the end of October, 2016.

The course includes real money online casinos 20 individual groups sessions, 20 groups sessions, access to online courses and training plus an online accountability system.


6. What others have said

I've led this program four times previously – in 2009, 2010, 2011, and 2012. Here are some results from those programs:

Sal Sylvester - 512 Solutions: "I Just sold another $32,500 program (that makes 4 concurrent programs right now). Raised my price by $8,000. The next one will be in the $40k range. Revenues expected to be very close to $300K this year, and that will be almost $100k above the previous year.

Thomas Witt - Sales Training for Furniture Stores: "I didn't like traveling in my business, so with Robert's help I found ways for working without traveling much and more than doubling my income at the same time. I now work smart and not as hard." 

Jim Smith - The Executive Happiness Coach: "I Closed a $48K Culture Change program (a one-year program) a couple months ago... a product I used to sell "piecemeal" and for 1/4 of that price, before I learned how to package it as a Program and articulate the value of it." 

Sharon Rich - Leadership Incorporated: "It seems like what's happening for me is that I sell a component of my high-end program, which leads to the sale of other components, which leads to the sale of other components. For example: I sold a coaching program for 2 executives, that has now expanded to 5 execs, and keeps rolling over in 6-month increments. Value of the client so far: about $50K."

Sue Burnell and Kevin Oubridge - Accelerated Success: "Thanks to your help we doubled the fees for our coaching service to corporations and we received absolutely no pushback. We now charge £8,000 for individual coaching clients and £40,000 for group coaching programs. Since we originally attended the program, our revenues have increased by five times and we expect to earn considerably more in the upcoming year."

Liz Guthridge - Connect Consulting Group: "Last year, I had one client that I billed in excess of $10,000. This year, I had four clients that I billed in excess of $10,000. (One new client’s billing was close to six figures.) Also, later in the year, I sold a project to a new client for $44,000. The company and I had talked about a $7,500 project earlier last year."

The program for 2016 builds on these past successes and adds a higher level of individual and group support.


7. Why this program works

The purpose of the program is to help you double your income or increase it substantially in the coming year. (Repeat of Ultimate Outcome)

We succeed with this because I show you exactly what works to attract your ideal clients. I help you put our complete marketing system into place and then provide a high level of support until you’re getting consistent results in growing your businesses. (My commitment to working with you to produce results)

This proven system helps you get results faster, with fewer mistakes and less struggle. You won’t have to keep guessing what will or will not work in your marketing. You'll know what to do, and how to do it. (Assurance of producing results)


8. Who is this program for?

The Marketing Mastery Program is for people who have been in their businesses for some time, but for whatever reason have not had a lot of success with their marketing and are not generating the level of income they want.

It’s for those who want to make a difference, a real impact with their clients. It’s for you if you love doing the work you do and want to make a bigger contribution while earning good money consistently.

This program is for independent professionals who offer programs and services to any size of business – from one-person to large corporations. Most participants offer business-to-business services.

And it's also for those who are tired of standing still in their businesses, having no plan or strategy for attracting more of their ideal clients.

(You want to list the qualifications of an ideal client or participant. It helps sort applicants so higher qualified people self-select.) 


9. What will happen in the Mastery Program?

The program focuses on five areas that are essential to attracting clients consistently:

1. Developing higher-end services and programs. This is the key. You’ll learn how to develop and structure these programs and then create marketing messages that make them attractive and compelling.

2. Writing the necessary marketing materials to effectively promote these high-end services and programs. This includes articles, web content, presentations, emails and more.

3. Developing step-by-step marketing action plans and strategies that get your services and programs noticed by the right people, your ideal clients, who have the need and the money to hire you. We focus on the marketing strategies that will work best for your business and situation.

4. Designing a selling (or conversion) strategy that turns prospective clients into paying clients who are ready to work with you and who will pay you well.

5. Learning a Mindset Approach that helps you get past any resistance or avoidance regarding taking action in the above four areas. This is the big key to many.

(Notice that these are a repetition of the sub-outcomes form the top only written more as the process of the program or service.)

No matter what higher-end services and programs you’re offering, this five-step approach is designed to get you from a new idea to new clients in the shortest period of time possible.


10. Why support (or some other key factor) is so important

I've been in business since 1984 and online since 1996. I decided to remain an independent professional as it better suits my temperament. I work well by myself and am good at making plans and putting things into action. Although I used a lot of trial and error to learn what worked. 

But this isn't true for all independent professionals. Many used to work for larger companies and miss the connections and collaboration. And this can lead to feelings of isolation.

You may feel stuck, confused, frustrated or hopeless.

This is why the Mastery Program puts so much attention on support. By meeting an average of four times a month (individually and in groups) and by checking in with the Action Support System regularly, you'll feel less isolated and more connected. If you have a question, need feedback or someone to listen, I and the other participants will be there to support you.

(This section addresses how you help with a common challenge that often stops you from succeeding - What is that issue for your clients?)  


11. The results you can expect

By the end of this program you’ll have accomplished most or all of the following:

Consistently attract more of your best clients and substantially increase your income.  

Developed a new, compelling high-end service or program.   

Have an upgraded website and other marketing materials.

The ability to create and implement marketing plans quickly and easily.

The skills and confidence to convert prospective clients into paying clients.

A fearless mindset about marketing and selling that keeps you taking productive action.

(Again, these points reiterate the Ultimate outcome and sub-outcomes in a simpler, bullet-point format)


12. The structure of the Mastery Program

The program is held over a ten-month period, from January through October 2016.

The participants will be independent professionals like yourself, such as business coaches, management consultants, marketing and employment professionals.

1. You’ll meet in individual coaching sessions with me 20 times (twice a month) over the course of the program. In these sessions I’ll help you develop your Messages, programs, materials and marketing and selling skills.

2. And you’ll also meet as a group via video conference twice a month (20 times) to share success and struggles, to brainstorm ideas, give each other support and discuss the finer points of marketing. The group meetings create energy and momentum in putting your marketing into action.

Group sessions are on Thursday mornings at 10 am Pacific.

3. You’ll get lifetime access to all my marketing tutorials, courses, interviews and recordings contained in the More Clients Club. This includes over $6,000 worth of hands-on and how-to marketing instructions.

5. Finally, you’ll be using the online Action Support System to report on your progress, results and struggles. Just ten minutes a day will help you keep on track and in action. This is a new addition to the Mastery Program and one that holds everything else together.

(This section just gives the nuts and bolts of what's included in the program)


13. The Next Step

If you think this program is for you: Please fill out the application form below completely. Once you submit it, you’ll be taken to a new page with the fees for the program and other details.

When I get your application, I’ll look it over and let you know if I think you are qualified or not. If you are, we’ll set up a time to talk to see if this program is for you, answer all your questions and invite you to participate.

Spaces are limited and the program closes for applications on Thursday, December 24. If you are interested, please apply now. We currently only have 4 spaces left open.

(Usually you'll have a questionnaire here - not an application form - and the offer of a Strategy Session. And you usually won't list your fees, especially for larger company services).  

I look forward to hearing from you.

Cheers, Robert Middleton

P.S.Please only fill out this form if you are serious about taking your business to a whole new level.

Form with questions below. This form is usually set up with a system such as Aweber or sometimes forms can be created from systems such as Wordpress.