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More Clients
- the Online Marketing Newsletter
for Independent Professionals
from Action Plan Marketing
and Robert Middleton

In This Week's Issue: Hurricane Katrina making you feel helpless? Time to take action.


Taking Action on Katrina

This week the whole world's attention has been on Hurricane Katrina.

This is a hard eZine for me to write because I come to it after watching hours and hours of televised coverage and reading dozens of op-ed pieces about the completely inadequate response to this disaster by our elected officials.

I'm angry, disappointed, sad and ashamed about the fact that we, the richest nation on earth, failed our most vulnerable citizens, the sick and the poor. Thousands of them died needlessly because of poor leadership and small thinking.

No doubt this will be debated endlessly in the days, weeks and months to come. There will certainly be enough blame to go around while hundreds of thousands of people try to put their shattered lives back together.

But what does all of this mean to you? Will it change you in any meaningful way or will it be "business as usual" as soon as the Katrina news cycle dies down somewhat?

I just read this quote on the Anthony Robbins site:

"One of the strongest forces in the human personality is the drive to preserve the integrity of our own identity. Knowing that you have failed to live up to your own standards for your life is the ultimate pain, and knowing that you have fulfilled your highest vision of yourself is the ultimate pleasure."

I urge you to take some kind of positive action that is consistent with your highest vision of yourself.

Take action that goes above and beyond what you've ever done before. Go outside of your comfort zone. Write a bigger check, donate more time or put on a fundraiser.

Don't get stuck thinking it won't be enough and then fail to do anything. I see this with clients all the time and it's a real killer. Whatever you do will make a difference.

To support this effort I've set up a free Yahoo Group where you can share what you are doing to help people who were affected by this national disaster.

The More Clients Bottom Line: Take action of some kind to help those affected by Hurricane Katrina. Don't put it off. And then let us know what you're doing through the discussion group above.


Low-Key Promotion This Week

I've decided not to write any promotional copy this week for any of my programs or products. My heart is just not in it. However complete information on the below can be found at the links.

Free Monthly TeleClass - Monday, September 12

InfoGuru Marketing Manual - Guidebook for attracting clients

Web Site ToolKit - Build your marketing foundation

Take Your Business to The Top - Get appointments in big companies

Marketing Action Groups - Six spaces open


Until next week, all the best,

Robert Middleton

Cracking the Marketing Code for Independent Professionals


210 Riverside Drive
Boulder Creek, CA 95006

Contact by email

© 2005 Robert Middleton, All rights reserved. You are free to use material from the More Clients eZine in whole or in part, as long as you include complete attribution, including live web site link. Please also notify me where the material will appear. The attribution should read:

"By Robert Middleton of Action Plan Marketing. Please visit Robert's web site at for additional marketing articles and resources on marketing for professional service businesses."

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